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Additional Information

Regulation Boundary:

FL State Waters

Required License(s):

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Permit required


Excellent, but may contain high mercury levels. Catch, Clean, Cook Swordfish by DMFD featuring Brito Mas Grande


Broadbill SwordfishCalifornia SwordfishPacific SwordfishXiphias gladius
25 inches minimum cleithrum to keel length if head removed.
Hook and line only.
All landed fish must be reported to NOAA within 24 hours (1-800-894-5528 or HMS permit required in federal waters.
No more than one daily limit may be possessed onboard a vessel regardless of the length of the trip.
Swordfish captured but not retained must be released in a manner that will ensure maximum probability of survival. Do NOT remove the fish from the water.
This species may be eligible for prizes and recognition if you submit photos through Visit their website for more information.
1Bag Limit
4Vessel Limit
47"Min Size