Translation of "Zeus" into Maltese

Żews, żews are the top translations of "Zeus" into Maltese. Sample translated sentence: Nearby are the ruins of a majestic temple of Zeus. ↔ Ftit ’il bogħod hemm il-fdalijiet tat-tempju maestuż taʼ Żews.

Zeus proper noun

(Greek mythology) Supreme ruler of all Greek gods, husband to Hera. [..]

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  • Żews

    Nearby are the ruins of a majestic temple of Zeus.

    Ftit ’il bogħod hemm il-fdalijiet tat-tempju maestuż taʼ Żews.

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  • żews

    Nearby are the ruins of a majestic temple of Zeus.

    Ftit ’il bogħod hemm il-fdalijiet tat-tempju maestuż taʼ Żews.

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Translations of "Zeus" into Maltese in sentences, translation memory

BAROON (previous names according to CCAMLR, SEAFO: LANA, ZEUS, TRITON I; previous name according to ICCAT: TRITON I; previous names according to SIOFA: LANA, ZEUS, TRITON-1)
BAROON (ismijiet preċedenti skont is-CCAMLR u s-SEAFO: LANA, ZEUS, TRITON I; isem preċedenti skont l-ICCAT: TRITON I; ismijiet preċedenti skont s-SIOFA: LANA, ZEUS, TRITON-1)
John Dory (Zeus faber),
pixxi San Pietru (Zeus faber);
According to Greek and Roman mythology, Zeus (also known as Jupiter) and Leda had twin sons, Castor and Pollux.
Skond il- mitoloġija Griega u Rumana, Żews (magħruf ukoll bħala Ġove) u Leda kellhom tewmin subien, Kastor u Polluks.
In the days of Jesus’ apostles, such gods as Hermes and Zeus were worshiped.
Fi żmien l- appostli taʼ Ġesù, allat bħal Ermi (jew Ħermes) u Żews kienu jiġu meqjuma.
It was thought that she oversaw human affairs and reported undisclosed injustices to Zeus, so that the guilty would be punished.
Kien maħsub li hi indokrat l-affarijiet tal-bniedem u rrapportat inġustizzji li ma kinux inkixfu lil Żews, sabiex il-ħatja jiġu kkastigati.
In time, four such festivals —the Olympic and the Nemean, both dedicated to Zeus, and the Pythian and the Isthmian, dedicated to Apollo and Poseidon respectively— grew in importance until they attained the status of Panhellenic festivals.
Maż- żmien, erbgħa minn dawn il- festi—l- Olimpika u n- Nemajka, it- tnejn dedikati lil Żews, u l- Pitika u l- Istmika, dedikati lil Apollo u lil Posejdon rispettivament—baqgħu jsiru dejjem iktar importanti sakemm laħqu l- istess livell tal- festi Panelleniċi.
John Dory | JOD | Zeus faber |
Pixxi San Pietru | JOD | Zeus faber | John Dory |
CCAMLR also considered information that, during 2010, Togo had reportedly de-flagged the vessels Bigaro, Carmela, Typhoon-1, Chu Lim, Rex and Zeus, all of which were included on the non-contracting parties-IUU vessel list.
Is-CCAMLR qieset ukoll informazzjoni li, matul l-2010, kien irrapportat li t-Togo kien irtira l-bandiera mill-bastimenti Bigaro, Carmela, Typhoon-1, Chu Lim, Rex u Zeus, li kollha kemm huma kienu inklużi fil-lista ta’ bastimenti IUU tal-Partijiet Mhux Kontraenti.
This coin depicts a scene from a mosaic in Sparta (third century AD), showing Europa being abducted by Zeus, who has taken the form of a bull
Din il-munita turi xena minn możajk fi Sparta (it-tielet seklu wara Kristu), li juri lil Ewropa li qiegħda tiġi maħtufa minn Zeus, li ħa l-forma ta ’ barri
By the late second century B.C.E., Rome had come to identify her chief deities with those of the Greek pantheon —Jupiter with Zeus, Juno with Hera, and so on.
Sal- aħħar tat- tieni seklu Q.E.K., ir- Rumani kienu bdew jemmnu li l- allat ewlenin tagħhom kienu l- istess bħal ċerti allat Griegi—Ġove bħal Żews, Ġunone bħal Ħera, u nibqgħu sejrin.
They called Paul Hermes and Barnabas Zeus, which were the names of false gods.
Lil Pawlu bdew jgħidulu Erme u lil Barnaba Żews, li kienu ismijiet t’allat foloz.
(See the box “Lystra and the Cult of Zeus and Hermes.”)
(Ara l- kaxxa “Listra u l- Qima Lejn Żews u Erme.”)
Greek was retained as the official language, and —along with the Roman emperor— Aphrodite, Apollo, and Zeus were widely worshiped.
Il- Grieg inżamm bħala l- lingwa uffiċjali, u—flimkien maʼ l- imperatur Ruman—Afrodite, Apollo, u Żews kienu meqjumin minn ħafna nies.
Maize god, Horus falcon, and Zeus: Photograph taken by courtesy of the British Museum
Alla tal- qamħirrum, il- falkun Ħorus, u Żews: Photograph taken by courtesy of the British Museum
Imposing buildings and walls were constructed, as were sanctuaries of Zeus, Artemis, Apollo, Athena, and other Greek deities.
Inbnew binjiet u ħitan impressjonanti, bħalma kienu s- santwarji taʼ Żews, Artemi, Apollo, Atena, u allat Griegi oħrajn.
Of these, the Olympics were held in highest esteem, for they honored Zeus, whom the Greeks considered the king of the gods.
Il- logħob Olimpiku kienu jqisuh bħala l- iktar wieħed prestiġjuż minn dawn kollha, għax kien jagħti ġieħ lil Żews, meqjus mill- Griegi bħala s- sultan taʼ l- allat.
For the ancient Greeks, milk was considered a sacred food because Zeus fed on the milk of the goat Amalthea.
Għall-Griegi Antiki, il-ħalib kien meqjus bħala ikel sagru peress li Zeus kien jiġi mogħti l-ħalib tal-mogħża Amaltea.
This decision comes at the crucial moment at which the absolute time limit for legal detention of the thousands of migrants arrested and detained (some 7 500 people) as part of the ‘Xenios Zeus’ sweeping operations, which have been going on since the autumn of 2012, is very close to expiring, with many detainees being non-returnable persons stuck in unacceptable conditions of detention.
Din id-deċiżjoni qed issir f'mument kruċjali, jiġifieri meta kważi wasal fi tmiemu l-limitu massimu taż-żmien għad-detenzjoni legali ta' eluf ta' migranti arrestati u detenuti (bejn wieħed u ieħor 7 500 persuna) bħala parti mill-operazzjonijiet ġenerali li ilhom għaddejja mill-ħarifa tal-2012 magħrufa bħala "Xenios Zeus", b'ħafna detenuti li huma persuni li ma jistgħux imorru lura f'pajjiżhom u li jinsabu mblukkati f'kundizzjonijiet inaċċettabbli ta' detenzjoni.
John Dory (Zeus faber)
John Dory (Zeus faber)
According to legend, he was a demigod, the child of the Greek god Zeus, and Alcmene, a human mother.
Skond il- leġġenda, hu kien nofsu bniedem u nofsu alla, it- tifel taʼ l- alla Grieg Żews, u Alkmena, omm umana.
He profaned Jerusalem’s temple by sacrificing upon its altar a pig to Zeus.
Hu kasbar it- tempju taʼ Ġerusalemm billi ssagrifika ħanżir lil Żews fuq l- artal taʼ dan it- tempju.
And they went calling Barnabas Zeus, but Paul Hermes, since he was the one taking the lead in speaking.”
U lil Barnaba bdew jgħidulu Żews, imma lil Pawlu Erme, għax hu kien il- kelliemi ewlieni.”
→ The Olympic flame burned at the altar of Zeus during the ancient games.
→ Il- fjamma Olimpika kienet tixgħel fuq l- artal taʼ Żews waqt il- logħob tal- qedem.
(8) We refer, for example, to gurnards (Triglidae), common squid (Loligo spp.), conger (Conger conger), common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), John Dory (Zeus faber) witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus), Atlantic pomfret (Brama brama), shortfin squid (Illex spp.), black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo), and even great scallops (Pecten maximus).
(8) Nirreferu, pereżempju, għall-gallinetta (Triglidae), il-klamari (Loligo spp), il-gringu (Conger conger), is-siċċ (Sepia officinalis), il-Pixxi San Pietru (Zeus faber), il-barbun ilsien il-kelb (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus), il-pixxiluna (Brama brama), il-klamar tal-pinen qosra (Illex spp), iċ-ċinturin iswed (Aphanopus carbo), u anke l-arzella tal-pellegrini (Pecten maximus).
Japanese John Dory | JJD | Zeus japonicus |
Pixxi San Pietru tal-Ġappun | JJD | Zeus japonicus | Japanese John Dory |