Translation of "dab" into Maltese

Sample translated sentence: Species: Dab and flounder ↔ Speċi: Braben u Lingwati

dab verb noun adverb grammar

(transitive) To press lightly in a repetitive motion with a soft object without rubbing. [..]

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digital audio broadcasting [..]

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Species: Dab and flounder
Speċi: Braben u Lingwati
Whereas the Council has adopted Preliminary draft amending budget (PDAB) No #/# as DAB No #/#, following the cancellation of PDAB No
billi l-Kunsill adotta l-abbozz preliminari ta' baġit ta' emenda Nru #/# bħala l-abbozz ta' baġit ta' emenda Nru #/#, wara li kien ikkanċellat l-abbozz preliminari ta' baġit ta' emenda Nru
(8) The catch retained on board shall consist of no more than 60 % of any mixture of cod, haddock, hake, plaice, witch, lemon sole, sole, turbot, brill, flounder, megrim, whiting, dab, saithe and lobster.
(8) Il-qbid miżmum abbord m'għandux jikkonsisti f'aktar minn 60 % ta' kwalunkwe taħlita ta' merluzz, haddock, marlozz, barbun tat-tbajja', witch flounder, lemon sole, lingwata, barbun imperjali, partun, barbun ta' l-għajn, kavalli, lingwata lixxa, merlangu, dab, pollakkju, awwista tan-Norveġja u awwista
Therefore, it is appropriate to delete common dab from the footnotes in Annex IA to Regulation (EU) 2017/127 which refer to common dab as associated by-catch species.
Għalhekk, huwa xieraq li titneħħa l-limanda min-noti f'qiegħ il-paġna fl-Anness IA għar-Regolament (UE) 2017/127, fejn jirreferu għal limanda bħala speċi aċċessorja assoċjata.
As provided for in the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union[5], under Article 18 § 3, it is the only subject of this DAB and it has to be submitted within 15 days following the submission of the provisional accounts, which took place at end March 2013.
Kif inhu previst fir-Regolament Finanzjarju applikabbli għall-baġit ġenerali tal-Unjoni[5], skont l-Artikolu 18 § 3, huwa l-uniku objettiv ta’ dan l-Abbozz (DAB) u għandu jkun ippreżentat fi żmien 15-il jum wara li jiġu ppreżentati l-kontijiet proviżorji, li seħħ fl-aħħar ta’ Marzu 2013.
The estimated backlog of payments to be carried forward to 2015, after the reinforcements proposed in the DAB 3/2014 and the Global Transfer, amounts to EUR 268 million.
Il-pagamenti pendenti stmati li jiġu riportati għall-2015, wara ż-żidiet proposti fl-ABE 3/2014 u t-Trasferiment Globali, jammontaw għal EUR 268 miljun.
whereas Draft amending budget (DAB) No 8/2014 was presented by the Commission because the Conciliation Committee could not reach an agreement on Draft amending budget No 2/2014, which had the exact same purpose and content as DAB No 8/2014;
billi l-abbozz ta' baġit emendatorju (ABE) Nru 8/2014 ġie ppreżentat mill-Kummissjoni għax il-Kumitat ta' Konċiljazzjoni ma setax jilħaq qbil dwar l-abbozz ta' baġit emendatorju Nru 2/2014, li kellu skop u kontenut identiċi bħal tal-ABE 8/2014;
Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM); Transmitting equipment for the Terrestrial — Digital Audio Broadcasting (T-DAB) service; Part 2: Harmonized EN under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive
Kompatibilità elettromanjetika u Materji relatati mal-ispettru tar-Radju (ERM); Tagħmir li jittrażmetti ghas-servizz tax-Xandir Digitali Terrestri bl-Awdjo (T-DAB); Parti 2: EN armonizzat skont l-artikolu 3.2 tad-Direttiva R&TTE
DAB radio alarm clocks
Żveljarini bir-radju DAB
Dab (Limanda limanda)
Dab (Limanda limanda)
An electrical apparatus using Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) and Frequency Modulation (FM) technology for radio broadcast reception.
Apparat elettriku li juża t-teknoloġija ta' Xandir Awdjo Diġitali (DAB) u Modulazzjoni tal-Frekwenza (FM) għar-riċezzjoni ta' xandir bir-radju.
However, it was not possible to reconcile the positions of the European Parliament and Council on the package of outstanding Draft Amending Budgets for 2014 (DAB 2-7) as well as on the 2015 budget, within the time period allowed, mostly due to a difference of opinion between the European Parliament and the Council on the outstanding payment needs for 2014 as reflected in the increase in payment appropriations requested in Draft Amending Budget 3/2014.
Madankollu, ma kienx possibbli li jiġu rrikonċiljati l-pożizzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew u tal-Kunsill dwar il-pakkett ta’ Abbozzi ta’ Baġits Emendatorji pendenti għall-2014 (ABE 2-7) kif ukoll dwar il-baġit 2015, fil-perjodu taż-żmien permess, l-aktar minħabba differenza ta’ opinjoni bejn il-Parlament Ewropew u l-Kunsill dwar l-ħtiġijiet tal-pagament pendenti għall-2014 kif rifless fiż-żieda f’approprjazzjonijiet ta’ pagament mitluba fl-Abbozz ta’ Baġit Emendatorju 3/2014.
This subheading includes: brill (Scophthalmus rhombus), common dab (Pleuronectes limanda or Limanda limanda), lemon sole (Pleuronectes microcephalus or Microstomus kitt), the European or mud flounder (Platichthys flesus or Flesus flesus).
Dan is-subtitlu jinkludi: rombu lixx (Scophthalmus rhombus), barbun komuni (Pleuronectes limanda jew Limanda limanda), lingwata tal-lumi (Pleuronectes microcephalus jew Microstomus kitt), il-barbun ta’ l-għajn Ewropew jew tat-tajn (Platichthys flesus jew Flesus flesus).
The amount of the 1st update of the 2013 UK correction is entered in chapter 15 of the DAB 4/2014, as a replacement of the provisional amount of the 2013 UK correction entered in chapter 15 of the Budget 2014.
L-ammont tal-ewwel aġġornament tal-korrezzjoni tar-Renju Unit għall-2013 iddaħħal taħt il-kapitolu 15 tal-ABE 4/2014, biex jissostitwixxi l-ammont provviżorju tal-korrezzjoni tar-Renju Unit għall-2013 imdaħħal taħt il-kapitolu 15 tal-Baġit tal-2014.
Species: Common dab and European flounder
Speċi: Barbun komuni u barbun
The request for additional payment appropriations (EUR 4 738,1 million) in this DAB 3/2014 reflects the outstanding additional payment appropriations required to meet year-end needs across the 2014 budget, making full use of the maximum and specific flexibility mechanisms created in the MFF Regulation.
It-talba għal approprjazzjonijiet ta’ pagament addizzjonali (EUR 4 738,1 miljun) f’dan l-ABE 3/2014 tirrifletti l-approprjazzjonijiet ta’ pagament addizzjonali pendenti meħtieġa biex jiġu ssodisfati l-bżonnijiet ta’ tmiem is-sena fil-baġit tal-2014, billi jsir użu sħiħ tal-mekkaniżmi ta’ flessibilità massima u speċifiċi maħluqa fir-Regolament QFP.
Draft Amending Budget (DAB) No 1 for the year 2013 concerns the incorporation into the 2013 Budget of both the commitment and payment appropriations necessary to cover expenditure related to the accession of the Republic of Croatia (hereafter Croatia) to the European Union on 1 July 2013, in full respect of the Treaty concerning the accession of the Republic of Croatia[3] (hereafter Treaty of Accession).
L-Abbozz ta’ Baġit Emendatorju (ABE) Nru 1 għas-sena 2013 jirrigwarda l-inkorporazzjoni fil-baġit tal-2013 kemm tal-approprjazzjonijiet ta' impenn kif ukoll tal-approprjazzjonijiet ta’ pagament, biex ikopru n-nefqa marbuta mal-adeżjoni tar-Repubblika tal-Kroazja (minn hawn ’il quddiem il-Kroazja) mal-Unjoni Ewropea fl-1 ta' Lulju 2013, b’rispett sħiħ għat-Trattat li jirrigwarda l-Adeżjoni tar-Repubblika tal-Kroazja[3] (minn hawn ’il quddiem it-Trattat tal-Adeżjoni).
The Commission will present a draft amending budget (DAB) in order to enter in the 2014 budget the specific commitment and payment appropriations.
Il-Kummissjoni se tressaq abbozz ta’ baġit emendatorju (ABE) sabiex fil-baġit tal-2014 jiddaħħlu l-approprjazzjonijiet speċifiċi tal-impenji u l-pagamenti.
(2) The catch retained on board shall consist of no more than 10 % of any mixture of cod, haddock, hake, plaice, witch, lemon sole, sole, turbot, brill, flounder, mackerel, megrim, whiting, dab, saithe, Norway lobster and lobster.
(2) Il-qbid miżmum abbord m'għandux jikkonsisti f'aktar minn 10 % ta' kwalunkwe taħlita ta' merluzz, haddock, marlozz, barbun tat-tbajja', witch flounder, lemon sole, lingwata, barbun imperjali, partun, barbun ta' l-għajn, kavalli, lingwata lixxa, merlangu, dab, pollakkju, awwista tan-Norveġja u awwista.
Draft amending budget (DAB) No 7 for the year 2013 covers an increase of commitment appropriations of EUR 150,0 million in heading 1b of the multi-annual financial framework (MFF).
L-abbozz ta’ baġit emendatorju (ABE) Nru 7 għas-sena 2013 ikopri żieda ta’ approprjazzjonijiet għall-impenji ta’ EUR 150,0 miljun fl-Intestatura 1b tal-Qafas Finanzjarju Pluriennali (QFP).
cod, haddock, hake, plaice, witch, lemon sole, turbot, brill, flounder, herring, mackerel, megrim, whiting, dab, saithe, Norway lobster and lobster
bakkaljaw, haddock, Marlozz, Barbun tat-Tbajja
(7) The catch retained on board shall consist of no more than 50 % of any mixture of cod, haddock, hake, plaice, witch, lemon sole, sole, turbot, brill, flounder, herring, mackerel, megrim, dab, saithe, Norway lobster and lobster.
(7) Il-qbid miżmum abbord ma għandux jikkonsisti minn aktar minn 50 % ta' kwalunkwe taħlita ta' merluzz, haddock, marlozz, barbun tat-tbajja', witch flounder, lemon sole, lingwata, barbun imperijali, partun, barbun tal-għajn, aringi, kavalli, lingwata lixxa, dab, pollakkju, ksampu u awwista.
Without prejudice to the landing obligation, by-catches of dab, whiting and mackerel may consist of up to 2 % of the quota (OT1/*2A3A4).
Mingħajr preġudizzju għall-obbligu tal-ħatt l-art, il-qabdiet aċċessorji tal-barbun komuni, il-merlangu u l-kavalli jistgħu jikkonsistu f'mhux aktar minn 2 % tal-kwota (OT1/* 2A3A4).
Justification: Given the huge pressure on 2014 payments and the reinforcements requested by Commission in DAB 3/2014, it is proposed that the amount of the surplus for the year 2013 is used to fund a newly created line 40 04 01 "Reserve for additional payment needs" on the expenditure side of the budget, instead of to reduce the GNI-based own resources.
Ġustifikazzjoni: Minħabba l-pressjoni għolja fuq il-pagamenti tal-2014 u t-tisħiħ mitlub mill-Kummissjoni fl-ABE 3/2014, qed jiġi propost li l-ammont tas-surplus għas-sena 2013 jintuża biex jiffinanzja linja maħluqa ex novo 40 04 01 "Riżerva għall-bżonnijiet ta' pagament addizzjonali" fuq in-naħa tan-nefqa tal-baġit, minflok ma jitnaqqsu r-riżorsi proprji bbażati fuq l-ING.
Electronic apparatus consisting of a digital audio streamer in combination with a DAB/FM tuner, internet radio, DAC, MP3 player, USB and network-stored audio player, a preamplifier and an amplifier
Apparat elettroniku li jikkonsistu minn streamer tal-awdjo diġitali flimkien ma' tjuner tad-DAB/FM, radju tal-internet, DAC, MP3 plejer, awdjoplejer maħżun fuq USB u netwerk, preamplifikatur u amplifikatur