Let’s Talk About Pokemon - Bruxish


779: Bruxish


Bruxish is an interesting fish. A Water/Psychic type with appropriately psychodelic colors. Like the trigger fish that’s it’s based on, it has a monsterous bite on it with a tapered snout and emphasis on its teeth. Further emphasized by how its name is basically “fish with bruxism”. Though it’s only related in the vague sense of naming it after something related to teeth. Bruxism are the tips of teeth being flattened out over time due to wear and tear. If anything, that’s the opposite of Bruxish! It however DOES grind its teeth, which can apparently cause it to project psychic waves of energy as it does so!


The triggerfish’s namesake trigger-shaped dorsal fin is used to stab at other fish with its sharp point. Bruxish on the other hand, adapts it as a flower-like appendage that it uses to shoot off psychic powers. Even somewhat comparable to an anglerfish’s dangling lure (which the concept art also implies this trigger doubles as a lure too.) I had one hope before release that Bruxish would eventually become the true anglerfish Pokemon we’ve been needing for so long, but I didn’t expect the thing to sadly be a one-stager.


The most criticism Bruxish gathers is easily about its crazy color scheme and awkward face. To the former of which I say, have you ever looked at a tropical fish? Those things are ridiculously colorful. If anything, I’m bummed Bruxish is the only tropical, hyper-colorful fish introduced in a region where there was a perfect excuse to stick a couple more in there.

THEN there’s the matters of its face. Again, have you SEEN a triggerfish? Look at that creepy, swollen, human-esque mouth. If anything, Bruxish toned it down by having cartoonish lips! 


Personal Score: 8/10


Bruxish is neat, y’all are just mean.
