Home > Opinion > Minn pajjiż tal-Mickey Mouse għal wieħed ta’ Speedy Gonzalez

Minn pajjiż tal-Mickey Mouse għal wieħed ta’ Speedy Gonzalez

July 3, 2011

Il-messaġġ qiegħed kollu fil-karikatura oriġinali tagħna tal-Mazzun. Diġa’ tkellimna dwar ir-riforma fit-trasport pubbliku, il-figura tal-Ministru Austin Gatt, u dak li qed jiġri fl-aħħar jiem. Pero’ kieku kellna niġbru kollox f’sentenza waħda niġbruha propju f’din li hemm fil-karikatura tagħna. Mingħajr l-ebda apoloġija lis-Sur John Bundy li kien ħareġ bid-diska tal-Mickey Mouse ħafna snin ilu u ngħata raġun fuq raġun dawn is-snin kollha!

  1. July 7, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    A Mickey Mouse country: Malta has added another title to its credit – a Snail’s Pace one. Too many excuses and apologies are being freely showered on the Maltese. The Maltese ċwieċ, all in all, gave a better service and what they badly needed was a good tightening-up. For a number of buses, there was no room. We had buses with steeper steps to climb than La Scala and some even boasted a spiral staircase with hardly any room where to stand to pay and get your ticket. Dire lack of good management has obviously contributed to the current adverse situation, and I wonder how it could be settled by this Sunday. This is an age of speedy technology, but not wizardry. Preparatory exercises seem to have been a matter of tinkering, which is as good as patching up. And it’s inconceivable to even think that no sheds or some kind of protection have been erected to shield off waiting commuters from the burning sun and from the pelting rain.
    Has Malta become a third world country? Apparently, it has.

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