What is the postpartum or 4th trimester of pregnancy?

In recent years, women have been revealing the true face of this very special period known as post-partum. Just as rich and complex as pregnancy (with baby at the center of all attention), the post-partum period is rightly often referred to as the fourth trimester, and yes, we can prepare ourselves to live through it more serenely, or at least consciously. Let's take a deep breath and get to reading!

Etymologically, post means "after" and partum means "birth". Right. If it's post-partum, it's over, right? No, it's only just begun. First of all, it's important to remember that every woman will experience this period differently, depending on the pregnancy she's been through, the birth she's had and, above all, how she's going to be supported and accompanied in her new role as a mother and in a body that's just given birth and that she finds hard to recognize. The focus here is on the physical aspects.

In the immediate post-partum period of the first few days (and the following weeks), you'll still have a belly- certainly not the same as when you were pregnant, but an in-between. You'll be happy to keep your maternity clothes on for a while longer. 

Lochia, the bloody discharge that can last from several days to several weeks, depending on the woman, and which empties and "cleanses" the uterus after the placenta has been delivered, will make you happy to wear oversized sanitary towels and the famous knickerbockers, of course! At this stage, even your favorite pair of comfortable Sunday panties will feel like a thong... as you can see, we're all about COMFORT and practicality. You'll tend to lose a little more blood all at once when you change position or when the midwife presses gently on your belly to check for clots and to make sure that the uterus is gradually returning to its original size and position. This discharge should not be foul-smelling, as this would be a precursor to a possible infection, and other symptoms (fever, persistent pain, etc.) should not be overlooked. 

If you're having a vaginal delivery, your genitals will probably be a little sore and swollen - after all, you've just passed a little human being through them! Of course, special care and attention is required if you've had a tear or episiotomy, and stitches have been necessary. If you're having a caesarean section, the post-operative period can be painful, and you'll be given something to ease the pain. You'll need more help to hold and care for your baby for the first few days, and in general the body recovers much more slowly than with a vaginal delivery, which is perfectly normal and understandable. Some women cope well with this, while others find it more difficult. Here too, good preparation during pregnancy is important if a Caesarean section is to be performed, so as to make the best of it. The scar will be monitored in addition to all the other controls of the uterus and lochia as for a vaginal birth.

Get out the horns and drums, because here comes the terminology of war... the trenches! These are contractions that occur particularly when the baby is at the breast. This is because oxytocin (the love and childbirth hormone) is secreted at the moment of suckling. The uterus will contract to quickly regain its optimal size and position. This also helps to reduce and stop bleeding. Trenches are a barbaric word for a natural and beautiful phenomenon of the human body, aren't they? Make yourself comfortable for breastfeeding, and don't forget to breathe slowly and deeply. It only lasts for the first few days. 

From the end of pregnancy and after childbirth, the breasts produce colostrum, the very first milk your baby will benefit from. Yellower and thicker than "mature" milk, this "liquid gold" is a superfood, a bomb of antibodies, vitamins, proteins and minerals for baby. The milk comes in around day3, depending on the woman. The breasts will swell and become tense, and this can be quite impressive (my husband's face the 1st time haha!). For women who are breastfeeding, the early stages can be a little confusing and not very pleasant. It's a real learning process for both mother and baby, requiring calm, patience and support. You can find out more here the article we devoted to breastfeeding. The return of menstrual periods depends once again on each individual, and can be delayed for as long as breastfeeding lasts, for example. Even so, you'll be fertile again very soon after giving birth, and it's best to know yourself and your contraception, whatever it may be.

We've seen the first immediate signs after birth, but the postpartum period is much more than that. In most non-Western countries, the baby's first 40 days are extremely important and rewarding for the new mother. During this "golden month", the young mother is only allowed to rest, eat well, get to know and care for her baby. Unfortunately, this is not the case in today's fast-paced society, where women have to get back into their pre-pregnancy jeans (as quickly as possible), perform just as well at work (as soon as possible), and resume their sexuality "as before" (as exciting as possible). Not to mention the overwhelming mental workload of the 21st-century woman and its many aberrations. So much the worse if the housework isn't done (by you)! Women can feel like they've done nothing all day, even though they may not have had time to shower or eat. Well, yes, these mothers have spent the day looking after their babies and keeping them alive, offering them love, food, care and security. And that's not nothing, it's VITAL. The rest is secondary. And without further ado, we can't talk about the postpartum period without mentioning what happens emotionally and psychologically. Having a baby with you is a total upheaval, with its moments of extreme happiness and wonder, and its moments of loneliness, anguish and sadness. Many women experience baby blues, a physiological consequence of the rapid postnatal hormonal changes. Women will be very sensitive and emotional, anxious or irritable. This usually lasts a week and passes without any outside professional intervention. If it continues over time and gradually takes on too much importance, we speak of post-partum depression , requiring psychological follow-up/support to prevent it from resurfacing on a regular basis. Post-partum psychosis, on the other hand, is a very serious illness requiring hospitalization, with confused and incoherent speech and gestures. It's a vital emergency for both mother and baby. There are also cases of post-traumatic stress disorder, directly linked to the birth process, which can affect the bond of attachment with the baby, and which also requires appropriate treatment.

It's important to remember at this stage that the very context of pre-pregnancy needs to be taken into consideration, that every story is different and every woman has her own experience and background. For a smooth transition from life in the womb to life on the outside, mom, baby and co-parent need to create their own calm, uninterrupted bubble, while mom can have a moment's rest. Even if you really want all your loved ones to get to know your little wonder, and all want to hold her in their arms. The people around you mustn't be intrusive, and mustn't make the baby their own, but must respect the needs and desires of the child and its mother, and the home-visiting schedules imposed by the new parents. The environment must be supportive. You don't have to bring 15 cuddly toys, but ask them to bring a hot dish or something to freeze! Make your own coffee or watch your baby while you shower. Do the housework or fold the laundry while you take a nap with your baby. These little gestures are so easy to do, and will go a long way to ensuring that this unique period remains a wonderful experience. Don't compare or judge yourself. Take this short time to recover, to discover your baby, respect each other and make love whenever you feel like it. Restart gentle activity 6 to 8 weeks after the birth, and only after you've undergone perineal re-education, even if you've had a caesarean section. Accept your emotions, leave room for them, communicate with your co-parent who is also going through an upheaval, don't hesitate to talk about it with your midwife, or call a doula (even if you didn't have one during your pregnancy). It's never too late.

More and more women are becoming aware of this intense period. As the true fourth trimester of motherhood, mothers-to-be and their spouses really benefit from learning about the physical aspects of the post-partum period, fatigue, emotions, sexuality and couple relationships, as well as the role of those around them, so that parents can assert their choices and get the help they need at the time. Yes, there will be moments that are more difficult than others, and that's totally OK. Take the time, slow down to forget yourself, but welcome the physical and emotional transformation, observe and discover. The birth of a mother, so commonplace these days, develops a new creativity and self-affirmation in women, and contributes nothing less than to spreading unconditional love to future generations.  


Rebeca Foëx-Castilla
Mom of Ethan, Amos and Numa
Doula graduate
Read her MotherStory