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Virtual museum

Rovello Porro

Esterno stazione anni Settanta
Esterno stazione come di presenta oggi

Until 1926, the town was named simply Rovello. A decree of administrative reorganisation issued by the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy in 1807 ratified the annexation of Rovello to Rovellasca. This merger was however abolished by the Restoration.
In 1926 the town changed its name to "Rovello Porro". A new merger between Rovellasca and Rovello Porro was recorded in 1928, with the formation of a new municipality by the name of Rovi Porro, with its seat in Rovellasca. The existence of “Rovi Porro” ended in 1939, when Rovellasca and Rovello Porro were reinstated as independent towns.

The stop at Rovello Porro opened in 1878 as a conversion of the pre-existing Como-Fino-Saronno tramway