Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem Sage)

Phlomis fruticosa (Jerusalem Sage) is a small evergreen perennial shrublet with grey-green fuzzy leaves. Useful as a low maintenance, drought tolerant medium height shrub. Whimsical bright yellow flowers appear in whorls and add a whimsical effect to a garden and hang on through winter. The fuzzy aromatic leaves are unappealing to deer or rabbits. Phlomis is from the Greek word for mullein (Verbascum), due to the similarity of the leaves. Fruiticosa is derived from the Latin frutex ‘shrub’. Awarded the prestigious Award of Garden Merit from RHS in 1993 for outstanding garden performance. Hardy zone 7-10. 3-5 ‘ tall and wide. Used sparingly, the leaves are edible and make a fine replacement for common sage in cooking and pasta dishes. Kids love to pull off the flowers and suck the tasty nectar through the hollow stem like a straw. Try spray painting the architectural whorled seed-heads when flowering is done for an unexpected surprise to garden visitors.


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