Matthiola longipetala

Night-Scented Stock

Matthiola longipetala
Matthiola longipetala
Matthiola longipetala
Price: £2.25
Attractive to pollinatorsBest Seller
    If there is one plant no garden, however large or small, should be without, this is it. Nothing else can equal the effect of its exquisite fragrance on the warm night air in summer. Very easy to grow - just sow patches at random in various parts of your garden, including outside your bedroom window. 1ft (30cm)

    Genus: Matthiola

    Species: longipetala

    Family Name: Brassicaceae/Cruciferae

    Seed Catalogue No.: 848

    English Name(s): Night-Scented Stock

    Hardiness: Hardy

    Lifecycle: Annual

    Suitable for: Summer Bedding

    Colour: Purple/Lavender

    Flowers: June, July, August

    Lighting Conditions: Full Sun, Partial Sun

    Soil Type: Clay, Chalk, Sand, Loam

    Soil Acidity: Alkaline, Neutral, Acid

    Moisture: Well-drained

    Customer Reviews - Matthiola longipetala

    Average Rating: 4.5 (4.5 of 5 based on 2 reviews)

    Matthiola longipetala

    What perfume!

    Reviewed by Carol on

    Forgot I had sown these and they got completely ignored amongst the weeds and then we got this smell and could not place the blossom and there were these insignificant quite ugly little flowers producing this amazing smell! And I remembered my grandpa used to always grow them in his allotment just for the smell.

    Rating: 4/54

    Matthiola longipetala

    I recommend

    Reviewed by Elisa on

    My matthiola bicornis seeds grew very fast, in matter of few weeks. I was looking forward to the flowering time, but then some little maggots found my seedlings and ate all of the buds. But I will try again next year, matthiola bicornis was an easy plant to grow!

    Rating: 5/55


    Customer Review - Matthiola longipetala


    Germination Instructions

    Direct sow where the plants are to flower. Prepare soil and rake to a fine tilth. Sow seeds 6mm deep in rows 30cm apart. Do not exclude light. Germination takes 7-21 days. When large enough to handle thin out to 8cm spacing. Keep thinning as plants grow to final spacing of 30cm.

    Growing Instructions

    Prefers moist soil but do not over water. Feed monthly. Pinch out plant shoots for taller growth.

    Cultivation Instructions

    Cut flowers regularly to encourage growth and to prolong flowering window. Prone to aphids, treat as required. Generally this plant requires little attention.

    When to Sow

    • Direct Sow/Plant Outdoors
    • Flowers/Harvest

    Approximate number of seeds per packet: 1425

    Please note we pack the majority of our seeds by volume so the number of seeds indicated is only an approximation.