Big Leaf Holly Fern (Cyrtomium macrophyllum)

Cyrtomium macrophyllum
Big Leaf Holly Fern
Cyrtomium macrophyllum
Big Leaf Holly Fern

Big Leaf Holly Fern (Cyrtomium macrophyllum)


Dark brown stipes support ample oblong-ovate lustrous pinnae which billow out in graceful horizontal arcs. The 2 to 8 pairs of bamboo-green smooth-edged pinnae are capped by an undivided to three-cleft terminal. This is probably one of the most striking species of Cyrtomium in cultivation and is a perfect foil to hide the downed winter foliage of hybrid hellebores.

Frond Condition:  Evergreen
Mature Height:  1-2'
Origin: Asia
Cultural Requirements: Partly Shaded, Full Shade, Evenly Moist, Slightly Moist, Calcium
USDA Zones: 6, 7, 8, 9

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