
  • 1kg swordfish
  • 1 glass dry white wine
  • 1 clove garlic
  • fresh mint
  • Juice of one large lemon
  • Olive Oil
  • 2 tbs fresh basil
  • salt and pepper


First, rinse the swordfish steaks and pat them dry with a paper towel. Cut them into cubes if they are going to be grilled as a kebab, but otherwise leave the skin on while cooking to help keep the meat moist.

Combine ingredients, mix well.

Place swordfish in marinade.

Refrigerate 2-3 hours, turning several times.

Preheat grill; brush the salad oil. Place fish on grill, cook approximately 10 minutes per inch, turning halfway through cooking time. Remove from grill, brush with melted butter, garnish with lemon wedges.

Grilling is the most common way of preparing swordfish. Swordfish can also be poached, baked or fried.

For some the BBQ season is already open. Swordfish is an excellent choice for grilling….This basic recipe can  be adapted to fit any taste. Swordfish is a healthy and delicious choice of fish to enjoy. Swordfish contains Omega 3 which is a type of oil with numerous health benefits.