Targon Ghanzir

creating furry art

  • 34 paid members
  • 177 posts
  • $253.4/month
Hello there, my friends. I am Targon Ghanzir, the legendary fire dragon who saved my race from the reign of dark forces. As a freelance furry/scaly anthropomorphic artist, I have a passion for digital drawing using Photoshop CS6 and my Genius i608x MousePen graphic tablet (which is more fragile than a Wacom, which I can't afford yet). I've drawn scaly art since 2007 and became a furry in 2011.

Outside of art, my real-life job since 2015 is web design and android programming.

Since I joined DeviantART, I've drawn art for as a hobby, using a realistic style as practice to improve in realism. Thanks to my former online art teacher that finished teaching me in late 2012, I became an independent fantasy digital artist and drew for a better experience in furry art in the community. I continued drawing realistic artwork and started drawing cartoon style artwork commissions for people on FurAffinity and DeviantART. I started up some currently-unfinished webcomics: "The Oblivion," "Journey to the Reploid Earth," "Plan-B Effects," and the cancelled "Underwear Model."

FA-exclusive, I have a great passion for drawing Rule 34 art and crossovers.

However, I can't afford to continue these when I'm swamped with taking so many commissions to pay my bills. This Patreon will allow me to continue non-commissioned webcomics, personal projects, the story of Targon Ghanzir, and other adult-themed art, since several people have wanted to see more of my unfinished projects. With your generosity, you can help make everything happen.

NOTE: Newest patrons will be given a link to my Discord Server via private message.

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