We need your Covid-19 stories

Let's seize  a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The pandemic has exposed the struggle of students and teachers like never before. If there's a time to ask for more support, it's now. 

By sharing your stories with state superintendents, support organizations and even FLOTUS, we hope to effect major changes in policy, funding and support. 

Submission deadline Monday April 26th 5pm EST.

Covid19 Badge NEW
Covid Comic Hero

How do I get involved?

Click the button below to join the campaign. You'll automatically gain free access to all the content in Pixton for two weeks so you can put your stories into a comic. We'll send instructions on how to submit your comics and update you on the progress of this campaign. 

Why are we doing this?

We believe education is THE key to improving the quality of life for every human being on the planet. Our future depends on it and we must protect it. We want legislators to address issues like the digital divide, shrinking budgets, and improving support for teachers and homeschooling parents.  

Tell me more

We're asking teachers and students to make comics explaining how the pandemic has affected them. Pixton will create a webpage where all the submitted comics can be viewed and then send it directly to the groups and people mentioned above. We're even going to print the most impactful comics in a book and send it to the First Lady, Jill Biden.

How to submit a comic - Submission deadline April 26th 5pm EST

It's easy, just click the submit button when viewing your student's comic and it's done (see animation below). Make sure your students DO NOT include any personally identifiable information such as their full name and or address. All submissions must be in English.




Let's do this!

Help make a difference. Submit your comics and connect with your community in an effort to develop innovative solutions to the challenges we are all currently facing.
