Phoenix Dactylifera: morfología y origen

Dentro de la gran variedad de palmeras que existen, merece un lugar destacado la llamada Phoenix Dactylifera, commonly called date palm and also known by the names of common palm, tamara or phoenix. If you are interested in acquiring a palm tree we have Sale of palm trees Just tell us what kind of palm tree you would take away from having in your garden.

As for its morphology, the Phoenix Dactylifera can exceed 30 meters in height and a diameter ranging between 30 and 50 centimeters. Its roots are fibrous and not too thick, with a rough trunk, long pale green pinnate leaves and small, fragrant flowers.

The origin The date palm is not known for sure, although it is believed to be quite likely that it is native to the lands of Arabia or North Africa. There are abundant testimonies about its cultivation in the valleys of the Nile and the Euphrates, where it was considered a symbol of fertility. In Spain it was introduced by the Arabs, also extending its cultivation to the southern part of France, Italy and Greece.

Condiciones y técnicas de cultivo

The Phoenix Dactylifera is a tree that develops more easily in warm climates, hence it is preferably grown in arid and semi-arid lands with a low relative humidity. It can thrive in almost any kind of soil, although sandy soils are more favorable. In any case, it has a high tolerance to drought and salinity.

As far as palm tree care is concerned, frequent watering in hot environments is recommended. However, in case of low temperatures, the ideal is to reduce irrigation, since the growth of the tree is slow and transpiration rather scarce. The irrigation needs also depend on the type of substrate, being necessary a more frequent irrigation the lighter the substrate. In any case, it is advisable to be cautious with this irrigation, since an excess of irrigation could cause suffocation and death of the vegetable.

Sowing should be done at the beginning of spring, achieving better germination if the seed is previously introduced in water at 30ºC for 48 hours. As for fertilization, this type of palm tree is not very demanding, although it does not usually hurt to add some type of mineral or organic fertilizer, especially in summer, since in this season the growth is greater.

In the care of the palm tree it is also advisable to pay special attention to pruning or Height pruning, since it makes it less vulnerable to external effects, while adapting it to the needs of the space in which it develops, providing greater beauty both to the specimen itself and to its environment. Pruning should be carried out during the winter, removing dead or diseased leaves, but respecting as much as possible the natural shape of the crown. Likewise, in the work of pruning and cleaning, it must be ensured that the cuts are always clean, without causing tears in the trunk, since these do not heal and could become a channel for the entry of pathogens.

Usos de la Phoenix Dactylifera

The main utility of the common palm is, without a doubt, the production of its exquisite fruit: the date. This edible fruit is, in fact, the staple food of many countries. Dates also have numerous medicinal properties, such as strengthening brain activity, improving night vision or, among others, strengthening bones. Hence, the consumption of dates is enormously beneficial to health. It should be borne in mind in this regard that date palms begin to bear fruit between three and five years, reaching their maximum ripening period at twelve.

It is also possible to give a use to the wood obtained from these palm trees for the construction of beams, doors, tables, benches and other furniture.
Also, both the trunk and the leaves can be obtained ingredients with which to make biofertilizers.
Finally, these are trees that give a lot of ornamental play in gardens, which also gives them an important aesthetic value.

Date palms are the symbol par excellence of the desert. They are also one of the most useful trees you can have. If you want to impress your friends, add some greenery to your home or just like the idea of having a tree that produces dates, there are many good reasons to buy oneif you are looking for one. sale of palm tree Date We can help you.