Landmark points of M. cephalus (top) female (bottom) male. 

Landmark points of M. cephalus (top) female (bottom) male. 

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Geometric Morphometric used as a tool in quantifying phenotypic variations among species of the same population. The analysis of heavy metals in the fishes created to determine the extent of harmful elements found since it serves as a human food source. This study aims to determine the fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in the body shapes of Mugil cephalus...

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... acquired images were then sorted according to its sex and converted into TPS file format utilizing the tps Util. Digitation/land marking procedure of the samples done through tpsDig2 (version 2, Rohlf 2004). There were sixteen (16) anatomical landmark points (Table 1) were utilized to digitize the samples of M. cephalus (Fig. ...


... Distinctive measurement procedures (e.g., outline curvatures, wavelets, and Fourier) develop in various evaluations of the diversities among specimens [33,34] . While studies widely utilized geometric morphometric analysis as a tool to investigate the body shape formation of fish species [35][36][37][38][39] . Further, the mechanism quantifies the shape difference of organisms from anatomical landmarks to the Cartesian coordinates, fusing an accurate statistical system with systematic processes for overlaying landmark outlines of all samples in a conventional coordinate structure [24,32] . ...
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Genomic and environmental adaptation possibly develops to phenotypic plasticity. As expected, this results to the structural variation that affects symmetrical outlines of species. Systematized techniques such as geometric morphometrics were applied to detect the phenomenon while considering landmark points to identify the fluctuating asymmetry (FA). FA illustrates deviations from the original state of symmetry. It quantifies variations between the left and right side of bilateral structure hence the two sides are genetically alike. In this study morphological differences of Selaroides leptolepis were investigated. About 60 individuals consisting of 30 males and 30 females were collected and analyzed for fluctuating asymmetry. FA from both samples subjected to Procrustes ANOVA, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Implied Deformation and Histogram to evaluate the asymmetrical differences using Symmetry and Asymmetry in Geometric Data (SAGE) software. The result shows highly significant FA (P<0.0001) on both male and female samples. It indicated morphological deviation and associated with genetic components and environmental causation. Thus, the advancement of utilizing modernized technique ensue to discriminate shape variations.
... Also, this approach widely utilized from numerous studies to evaluate phenotypic variability of freshwater fishes i.e. Glossogobius giuris [24&29] , Mugil cephalus [30] , Ambassis interrupta [31] , Johnius vogleri [12] . Nonetheless, the significant contribution of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in assessing fish structures has widely acknowledged from various studies [32] . ...
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Fluctuating Asymmetry (FA) is a tool to assess morphological differences from different bioindicator species. This study was conducted to evaluate the body shape variation of Glossogobius giuris sampled from Lake Mainit, Philippines, using geometric morphometrics. A total of 60 specimens was collected with 30 each sex. Landmarking techniques were established and applied to the fish morphology. Samples were subjected to tps Util and Symmetry and Asymmetry Geometric Data (SAGE) software to identify the body shape analysis. Among the factors analyzed, Procrustes ANOVA results shown a highly significant difference (P<0.0001) in the female and male samples and thus, indicating a shape differences between the sexes. While Principal Component Analysis (PCA) displayed a higher percentage in female samples (83.1614%) than of the male (79.3984%) denoting body shape variations between the populations indeed, females are highly inclined to perturbations since they need a buffer from various environmental requirements and primarily through the reproduction process. Thus utilizing geometric morphometric enables to determine morphological variations of species among and within the taxa.
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Shape, size, and structures are fundamental elements for species identification. While phenotypic variability among species of the same populations usually occurs. To understand this phenomenon modern techniques like geometric morphometrics were employed to distinguish body shape differences. This study aimed to investigate the phenotypic variability of Glossogobius guiris with notes of physicochemical parameters in Lake Mainit, Caraga, Philippines. A total of 75 samples (35 males and 35 females) of the same size were collected and subjected to Symmetry and Asymmetry Geometric Data (SAGE) Software. Results showed that the physico-chemical parameters are within the standard levels suggested by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) in the freshwater category. It implied that the condition of the water in the Lake was suitable for all aquatic life. On the other hand, Procrustes ANOVA indicated a significant difference (P<0.0001) between female and male populations across the factors analyzed (Individuals, Sides, Individual x Sides) inferring phenotypic variations. On the other hand, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed a high percentage of Fluctuating Asymmetry (FA) in the male populations (75.86%) and female populations (64.74%). This indicates a wide range of morphological dissimilarities and these significant levels of FA are attributed to the modifications in the genetic composition of the populations resulting in observable physical traits. Ultimately, the advancement of using geometric morphometric analysis provides important evidence showing how species of the same population differ morphologically.